Lightning Guards Solutions

Battle-proved Low-Latency Trading Risk Solution

Our mission is to bring real-time, low-latency, distributed, and systematic risk solutions to a broader market. Here's what makes us unique:

  • Extensive Industry Experience: Our members have built risk systems at industry-leading HFT firms for years, enabling us to excel right from the beginning.
  • Microsecond Latency Optimization: From the start, we've focused on optimizing for microseconds of latency, allowing you to perform more checks before sending an order without worrying about slowdowns.
  • Risk Consumption Synchronization: With built-in support, your open orders in Europe will be counted in the United States within a second.
  • Flexible Risk Metrics and Limits: Our latest workflow-based web GUI allows you to filter and aggregate risk limits by symbol, internal trader ID, and more, from anywhere with just a click.
  • Historical Data Replay: Replaying 100K trades within 1 minute enables you to configure limits based on historical data without waiting.

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